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1993 Timeline

A Farewell to 1993
What an awesome end to 1993! We all had such a blast hanging out, drinking some good booze, and listening to so some fine music on the...

The Party Begins!
It's happening, the New Year's Eve party bash has begun! It's really awesome to have most of the gang around. There's no better way to...

It's Almost Party Time!
I poured me and Tara another drink, and we talked outside on the deck for a bit. We talked about how awesome 1993 has been and how much...

Me and Tara Getting Ready for Our New Year's Celebration!
It's starting! Me and Tara are getting ready for our New Year's celebration by having some fancy drinks. She made a toast, and I brought...

No Luck...
Well, by the time I got back from exploring, Tara was awake and waiting for me outside the door at the rental unit. I told her about the...

Set up a Fish Trap and a Little Exploring
After grabbing some breakfast, I checked up on Tara. She must have been pretty tired because she was still passed out on the bed. I...

A Sunny Day in Sulani
The sun is really shining out here in Sulani today, such a perfect day for New Years Eve. Me and Tara never made any celebration plans...

It's New Year's Eve!
Me and Tara got back from the beach bar a little while ago. We were gonna check out some other bars, but we decided just to come back to...

Having Some Fun at the Sulani Beach Bar
I gotta say that I'm really loving the beach bar. This is what I would call a second home, hehe! Me and Tara are just having some fun...

Getting Ready to Check out Some Beach Bars
Me and Tara got back from sailing a little while ago, and I made us some dinner. After dinner, Tara took out the garbage, and then she...

Me and Tara Had a Wonderful Time Sailing Today
It's been years since I've been sailing, and despite having to take turns using the sailing canoe instead of sailing together in a larger...

Getting Ready to Set Sail!
We're at the beach now. The sailing canoe is in the water, and everything is all set to go! Look at that canoe, it sure is a beauty! Me...

At the Beach Shop
We're just at the beach shop right now. Apparently, they ran out of rentals on the larger sailboats. That kinda sucks because I was...

The Excitement Begins!
Me and Tara both woke up pretty damn excited because we're going sailing and checking out some of the beach bars today! Oh yeah, I'm...

Some Late Night Fish Tacos!
As soon as me and Tara got back from our walk, I whipped us up some fish tacos! They were pretty damn delicious. They were so good that...

Me and Tara Stopped by the Ocean
Me and Tara were on our way back to the rental unit, but we decided to stop by the ocean first. She pointed to the stars and said that...

A Stroll in the Dark
Well, instead of going for a late night swim in the ocean, me and Tara decided to take a late night stroll to check out the area around...

A Good Time in the Neverending Rain
Me and Tara went out for a bit to pick up some booze and a portable bar along with some other goods for our stay here in Sulani over the...

Tara Dyed Her Hair
Well, it's been an awesome afternoon so far here in Sulani. Me and Tara might go back out for another swim later. We're just chillin...

Poor Tigger...
Me and Tara got back from our swim, and we were talking and laughing about our little splash party we had. Sadly, we're already having so...
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