We've been walking around this island for a couple of hours now, and me and Tara are really impressed with the beautiful scenery. The beach, the plants and trees, and the structures are just so amazing. Me and Tara were holding hands on a bridge, and we talked about how awesome the photos that we're taking are gonna be for the memories. I gotta say that Sulani really is a great place to make memories. After spending some time on the bridge together, we went to this dock or deck or whatever you want to call it, and I told her about my undying love for her! She was flattered, but at the same time she called me silly. Yeah, I was a little corny, lol! Anyways, I think we're now gonna head down to the beach bar for some cold drinks. It's been a long afternoon of good fun, and now I'm getting a little thirsty, hehe!