I ended up staying home for the night rather than going out for some drinks. Tara came over as well. Earlier today when I was at work, I was thinking of starting the New Year out by proposing to Tara. We've been in a relationship for a while now, and we love and care for each other very much. I was thinking of maybe proposing to her by the ocean in Sulani. Anyways, me and Tara were having some drinks and talking. I brought up the topic of us going on a trip to Sulani for the last few days of December instead of having a big party in Windenburg for New Year's Eve. I told her that I think it would be awesome with just the two of us getting away from here and spending time together by the ocean. She agreed and said that she'd totally love to spend a few days by the ocean. Of course, she doesn't know about my plan to propose to her on New Year's day. After we talked for a while, I played Tara some more piano music. I showed her some of the newer stuff I was composing for work. She really enjoyed my performance. I know I've said it before, but I'm very happy to have a girlfriend who respects and enjoys listening to the music that I create and play.