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Stephon Came Over for a Bit
Stephon dropped by for a bit. We were talking about the StrangerVille investigation again. I told him that I was gonna ask Tara if she...
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Veggie Burgers
I got up today and made veggie burgers for breakfast. Absolute garbage! I couldn't stand them and ended up throwing them out. What a...
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Forever My Angel
It was a pretty rough day today with that experience about the world of the present that I had earlier, but time continues to move on....

Watching Tara Playing the Violin
I'm just watching Tara play the violin in her sexy sleep clothes. I've never seen a woman play the violin in her intimate bra and panties...
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I was making myself one last drink before I headed to bed, and then Tara woke up and came into the living room. She's in her intimate...
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Horse Care
Well, I just put out some food and water for Rocky. It's the basic horse care needs for now. Just like Beauty, Rocky is gonna need some...
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Bonding With Rocky
I'm just outside bonding with Rocky. I know he can't understand me, but I was telling him about how me and Tara met and other things that...
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A Kiss Goodnight
Well, Genevieve left, and Tara will be leaving shortly. I gave Tara a kiss goodnight and told her I'd drop by her place tomorrow after...
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Back to Work Tomorrow
Me and the ladies were talking, and then I remembered that since we're now back in the proper Willow Creek 1994, I have to go to work...
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Chillin With the Ladies at the Blue Velvet
Me and the ladies decided to leave Grimmerbrook and go to the Blue Velvet for a bit. We're just chillin and having some drinks. It sure...
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