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Me and Tara Spending Winterfest Together

Me and Tara are having such a lovely time spending Winterfest together. We were having some drinks and talking, and I brought up that we'll be leaving for Sulani tomorrow. Tara was super excited. We got up from our chairs, and I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She said that she's really looking forward to swimming in the ocean and going sailing. I totally agreed with her.

Anyways, we then opened the rest of the presents. I ended up getting nothing inside of mine, and Tara got a silver bracelet. We then did some holiday singing together by the tree. Man, did ever I sound so silly, lol!

After we finished singing, I poured us some wine, and I dedicated a toast to our trip to Sulani! As we were sitting there enjoying our wine, I brought a little holiday cheer into the scene by going, "Ho ho ho!" Tara laughed so hard! I told her that we're gonna have a lot of fun together in Sulani. She nodded her head and said that she can't wait to splash me with water, lol! I gave her a sad puppy dog face look, and then once again I went, "Ho ho ho," and we both laughed together.

After finishing our glasses of wine, I cooked up a nice ham dinner for Winterfest. Man, did it ever turn out so juicy and delicious! Me and Tara were at the table enjoying the ham dinner, and she said that it was the best ham she's ever had. She blew me a kiss and said that I did a really good job in making it.

Anyways, me and Tara are just sitting on the couch and chatting right now. She's gonna be going home soon to prepare for our trip to Sulani tomorrow. Once she leaves, I guess I better begin packing my stuff too. This is gonna be such an awesome trip!

Me and Tara doing some holiday singing together.


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