I haven't spoke with Genevieve since the bonfire party, so I figured I'd give her a call and we decided to get together for some drinks at the Blue Velvet. We were at the bar counter sipping back on our drinks talking about how much of a blast the bonfire party was. I asked her how her throat was doing, she burnt it at the bonfire party while having a roasted marshmallow. She said that it was hurting for a couple of days, but that it's much better now. I was glad to hear that she was okay. Me and Genevieve continued talking and drinking. A little while later, Harper showed up. I haven't seen her since the bonfire party as well. I asked her how she was doing, and she said that she was fine and that Stephon keeps talking about that trip me and him took to StrangerVille near the beginning of the month. I guess he's really grown interested in what's been going on down there. I don't blame him though because I'm pretty damn interested myself. Anyways, we grabbed a table, and now we're just chillin. I'm about to buy me, Genevieve, and Harper a drink. I'm gonna get us something a little special!