Me and Tara are just back at my place now. We were having such a wonderful evening together that I just wanted to spend a little more time with her before I went to bed. She sure loves dancing, and she did a pretty damn good job at it considering how many times she fell down roller skating and how sore she is. If she wants to do something, she's gonna do it! After she tired herself out from dancing, she came and joined me on the couch and we talked. While I was having a leftover hot dog for dinner, I was telling her that maybe we should go bowling again tomorrow night after I get back from work. She thought it was a lovely idea, so I guess we're gonna have a date tomorrow at the bowling alley. It'll be awesome! Well, I'm so flipping tired and I'm heading to bed now. It's still pretty early in the night, but I can't keep my eyes open any longer... Tara said she's gonna stick around for a bit longer and do my laundry for me. I told her no, but she insisted. She's such a sweetheart. I'm gonna buy her something nice tomorrow before we meet up to go bowling together.