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Movie Night with Tara

Me and Tara are having a lovely evening together. The first thing I did when she got here was give her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled and rubbed her hand down my chest and called me a Mr. Romeo for giving her such a sweet kiss and arranging a night to watch a movie with her. We ended up doing more talking than actually watching the movie. We talked about how much of a good time we had together at GeekCon despite the actual event being a total disaster. We were both chuckling about the costume my dad wore. It was so hilarious to see him dressed like that. After the movie, me and Tara cuddled on the couch for a bit. It felt so good holding each other. She brushed her head up against mine, and I got that warm tingly feeling. It’s that warm tingly feeling that feels so good and tingles all over your body. It’s the feeling of love. I'm so happy that Tara’s my girlfriend, she makes my life complete.

Me and Tara cuddled on the couch. It felt so good holding each other.


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