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The Windenburg Party

Well, I really had a friggin good time at the party in Windenburg. There were quite a bit of people there and the music was nice and loud. My buddy Brian who I haven’t seen in ages was also there. Even my cousin Victoria showed up. I haven’t seen her since early last year.

Anyways, me and Tara chilled for a bit and had some drinks together. We talked about how much fun we were having at the party, and she even brushed her leg up against mine. I knew she was flirting, so I brushed my leg up against hers! We both smiled and laughed.

Afterwards, me and Tara went to do some dancing together, and that’s when I saw my buddy Brian and my cousin Victoria. I was so happy to see my good ole friend. Despite Genevieve, me and Brian are also best friends. I knew he was living in Willow Creek for a while now because his mother works for the same employer as me. Unfortunately, I’ve just been so busy and forgot to pay a visit. Some friend I am, hehe!

So, we were all dancing and having a good time. I introduced Tara to Brian and Victoria. Brian said that she was a beautiful lady and asked if we were going out. It kinda put me in awkward position because although me and Tara like each other, we aren’t in an official relationship yet. So, I told him that me and Tara are just close friends, and then Tara smiled and bumped me with her hips, hehe!

After we were all done dancing, me and Tara went for another drink together. We both had a nice buzz going on. We hugged and did some more talking. Shortly after, Brian joined us. He told me and Tara that he works as a secret agent for some security company. That’s cool because he was always into that kinda stuff. While he was busy talking away, me and Tara took a really great photo together!

Also, I’m glad that nobody brought it up, but I had some really bad body odor coming from me. You know it’s pretty bad when you can smell your own odor, hehe! Anyways, me, Tara, and Brian spent some more time chatting and socializing together. The thought crossed my mind... Maybe I should hook Brian up with Genevieve because he’s single too. They would make a great couple, and it would be easier for me to tell her that I’m in love with Tara.

Later on, me, Tara, Brian, and Victoria went for a swim in the pool. Now, this is one sweet ass pool! It was like something you would find in an ancient city or something. Me and Tara spent a lot of the time talking with each other in the pool while Brian and Victoria had their own thing going on.

A little while later, Brian and Victoria left the pool and it was just me and Tara. It felt so good to be alone and next to her in the water. It gave me a warm fuzzy! We talked about some of the good times we had together in 1992. She also started flirting with me again. She was being so cute and seductive. I love it! She just knows how to pull me towards her, hehe! She’s a great gal, and I’m so in love with her!

It was a pretty awesome night of partying, and we all had a pretty damn good time! It was the morning and the sun was already up by the time Tara, Brian, and Victoria left. I had one last drink by myself while I enjoyed the beautiful scenery before I left the party too.

Well, I’m just about to head to bed and crash. I have to get up in a few hours for work, and I know I’m gonna have a pretty massive hangover... Oh well, good times!

My buddy Brian was also having a pretty damn good time at the party too!

Tara was in the pool flirting with me. She’s so cute and seductive! I’m really in love with this girl. I love everything about her!

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