Well, today is my first day as an Open Mic Seeker. I am pretty excited to make more money. I have quite bit of renovation to do. I am planning on building another room in my home. However, I am a little bit nervous with the new promotion because it means more responsibility! So, I began the day by encouraging myself in the mirror.

Afterwards, I did a little bit of shopping. I wanted to buy a few things for the house. Check out my new stuff! I bought a couple of chairs and a table for the deck, a violin, a new table, and a stereo! It has been awful not having a stereo around. Music is like my life!

Well, it's time to go to work and see how my first day goes with my new promotion! One good thing is that my schedule has changed to the evening shifts, so I don't have to get so early. I am not a morning person!