Well, I guess the bedroom is apparently a party room now, hehe! Me and Genevieve are sitting on the bed and talking about good old times, and Tara is dancing away to the music. I have to say that it sure is nice to be having a little bit of fun after all the shit that has happened over the last while.

Logbook Entry:
You know, sometimes life doesn't go as planned. I was just that guy enjoying life, going to work, and having some good drinking times with my friends. I met a beautiful girl and got engaged. Life was just great, and then things began to go dark. The horrible thoughts and visions, the threat of my existence being eradicated, and all the other depressive adversities. I'm still here though. That's what matters. I got Tara and my friends by my side. I have to fight back against the darkness. If I wanna win, I have to rebuild myself mentally to face what's coming. The day is coming when I'm gonna have to face the inevitable. That day will decide my fate. I think me and Tara's trip to Sulani will be an excellent place to start rebuilding myself. The ocean, it's just so calming and beautiful, and that's what I need right now.