Oh yeah! Party it up, man! Nightlife is the life! Tara left already because she had to get up for work early tomorrow, so I'm just at the Arid Ridge by myself now and having some more drinks.
I was sitting at the table and chugging back on my booze, and I was thinking about how awesome it was to be sitting there listening to the good tunes and getting hammered just like the good old times before the portal.

Some guy, I think his name was Nico, came and sat at the table with me. He was pretty drunk too. He was telling me about how he hooked up with a chick last week and went to bed with her. He said when he woke up, the chick was gone, and she took all the money in his wallet with her. Damn, that's gotta suck.

I got myself another drink. I was drinking more of that good booze that makes me feel so good and alive. I was by the pool and just enjoying the moment. I was thinking about me and Tara. Fuck, life is good!

Anyways, I'm just about to grab another drink. I don't wanna end up getting thirsty. Hehe!