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1994 Legacy WMT


1018 - Hello 1994!

1019 - Snorkeling with Tara

1020 - A Dolphin!

1021 - It's Time for Some Change

1022 - Getting Ready to See the Fashion Artist

1023 - The New Me

1024 - Tara

1025 - Me and Tara Chillin at the Beach Bar

1026 - Getting Ready to Propose to Tara

1027 - Me and Tara Are Engaged

1028 - Cherishing the Moment

1029 - Made Me and Tara Some Spaghetti

1030 - Up and Early

1031 - At the Beach with Tara

1032 - Had an Awesome Time Sailing

1033 - Exploring the Island

1034 - Spending Some Time With Tigger

1035 - Spending the Last Night in Sulani Chilling at the Rental Unit

1036 - Tara Gave Me Such a Sexy Kiss!

1037 - A Vacation Almost Over

1038 - Hello Willow Creek!

1039 - My Shower Broke Down

1040 - A Well Deserved Reward!

1041 - Back to Work

1042 - A Good First Day Back at Work

1043 - A Riverblossom and Some Piano

1044 - Loving the Rain!

1045 - A Good Workout at the Gym

1046 - A Self-Reward and Called Tara

1047 - Tara Has Arrived

1048 - Grilled up Some Burgers and Stephon Showed Up

1049 - Bowling Time!

1050 - Saved the Burgers and Cleaned Up

1051 - Got up Late and a Text Message From Tara

1052 - A Rough Night at Work and Tara's on Her Way Over

1053 - Tara Wants to Take Me to Glimmerbrook

1054 - Glimmerbrook

1055 - The Path

1056 - A Portal!

1382 - Before the Portal *

1383 - Adversity No More

1384 - A Goodbye to Glimmerbrook and the Portal

1385 - Me and Tara Arrived at the Cafe

1386 - Me and Tara Talked About the Reversal of Time

1387 - Tara’s Spending the Night

1388 - A Drink to Celebrate

1389 - A Kiss Goodnight

1390 - Slept in Pretty Late

1391 - Breakfast Burrito

1392 - Played the Piano and Missed Tara’s Call

1393 - Took a Vacation Day

1394 - Bought a Shirt

1395 - The Old Me

1396 - Had a Drink and Gave Tara a Call

1397 - Chillin With Tara and a Broken Stereo

1398 - Fixed the Stereo

1399 - Me and Tara Had a Pillow Fight

1400 - Me and Tara Are at the Park

1401 - Romance by the Fountain

1402 - Together Forever

1403 - At the Bowling Alley With Tara

1404 - Some Drinks Before We Start!

1405 - Lydia’s Here

1406 - Tara Won Again

1407 - Talked With Lydia








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