1993 Photo Album

Me and Tara holding hands. We had a lovely time together at the park. The winter scenery was just so beautiful. Sunday, November, 1993 WMT - Magnolia Blossom Park

Stephon told Genevieve that he's gonna get really drunk at the bonfire party and go skinny dipping in the lake. What a guy, lol! Saturday, October, 1993 WMT - My Place

Snow falling from the sky, it's so beautiful! Saturday, October, 1993 WMT - My Place

My bro Stephon's all drunk and rowdy, but in a good and exciting way! Sunday, October, 1993 WMT - Blue Velvet

My bro Stephon trying to be a show off at darts. The way he was throwing the darts was like he was trying to be some kind of a Roman soldier throwing a spear, lol! Sunday, September, 1993 WMT - Old Quarter Inn

The honorable members of the Beer Drinkers club! Rock and roll, rock and effing roll baby! From left to right: My bro Stephon, my best friend Genevieve, Stephon's gal Harper, my dad, me, and my girlfriend Tara. Sunday, September, 1993 WMT - Old Quarter Inn

My bro Stephon stuffing that burger down his throat without even breathing. Tara's looking at him, and she's probably thinking don't choke buddy, lol! Thursday, August, 1993 WMT - My Place

Ex boyfriend and girfriend side by side. I'm glad Stephon and Lydia are getting a long despite their broken past relationship. Thursday, August, 1993 WMT - Movers & Shakers Gym

Stephon at the gym wearing only a towel in the workout area. Come on bro, put on some clothes, lol! Thursday, August, 1993 WMT - Movers & Shakers Gym

A photo I took of Lydia at the gym. Thursday, August, 1993 WMT - Movers & Shakers Gym

Tara struggling to eat that awful volcano pasta, lol! It was so horrible! Wednesday, July, 1993 WMT - Chez Llama

My bro Stephon is pretty hammered, so am I! Woooo! Tuesday, July, 1993 WMT - Blue Velvet

Tara giving me a big hug, I love her so much! <3 Sunday, July, 1993 WMT - Courtyard Lane

I took a photo of Tara, she's so adorable. <3 We're a bit naughty tonight! The doors are closed since it's nightime, but we crawled through an open window into the chapel at the park. Sunday, July, 1993 WMT - Magnolia Blossom Park

My bro Stephon hammered and telling me about his adventurous romance the other night with Harper. Hehe, those two are very open about their sex life. Saturday, June, 1993 WMT - My Place

Tara gave me a hug and comforted me after my horrible defeat at foosball against my dad! I love her so much. Friday, June, 1993 WMT - Old Quarter Inn

My dad and my bro Stephon are pretty damn hammered, we're all pretty damn hammered! Lots of beer tonight! This is the Beer Drinkers club! Friday, June, 1993 WMT - Old Quarter Inn

I left a blue bell flower on the table for Tara when she gets home. I love her so much. Thursday, June, 1993 WMT - Tara's Place

I'm having such a wonderful time with Tara this evening. I love you so much, angel! <3 Wednesday, June, 1993 WMT - Oasis

You're so cute, Tara. Wednesday, June, 1993 WMT - Oasis Springs

Me and Tara racing each other to the park! She's faster than me... I mean, I'm just letting her win because she's so adorable! <3 Tuesday, June, 1993 WMT - Courtyard Lane

Me and Tara took our first photo together as a couple. Tuesday, June, 1993 WMT - Tara's Place

Me and Tara had a great time together in mind focus class. Tuesday, May, 1993 WMT - Tranquil Garden Spa

Me and Tara are at the park, and man did they ever do a beautiful job renovating the place. Sunday, May, 1993 WMT - Magnolia Blossom Park

Me and my bro Stephon and epic moments, epic moments! Friday, April, 1993 WMT - Narwhal Arms