The day really turned out to be a colorful one! That drunk guy and the chick who got the hot dog thrown at her ended up getting into an argument. I had to intervene before things got out of hand. I assumed that it was the drunk guy that started the argument. He was a lippy jerk when I was talking to him earlier.
Things got even more dramatic when my ex showed up. Unfortunately, the chick who got the hot dog thrown at her had to experience my ex's wrath. I saw and heard Suraya from the distance putting the girl down and bullying her. Suraya always did have a pretty shallow side to her. Anyways, they ended up getting into a fight when Suraya pulled her hair. I quickly rushed to them and broke up the fight, and I was very glad to give Suraya a ticket! I told her that next time I'll arrest her. She wasn't too happy about that and stormed off.
Afterwards, I went back to the station for a briefing. They found a lead in regards to the suspect that caused all that mess at the Solar Flare the other day. So, I got the details, and then I headed down to the Blue Velvet. I talked to a bunch of people to try and find out who the suspect was. The suspect was a female wearing jeans and had blonde hair. So, there were only two people there who matched that description, Candy and some other chick. Unfortunately, I messed up and wrongfully accused Candy, I felt so bad...
After messing up, I finally got it right. It turned out that the chick with the short blonde hair who looked like a guy was the criminal. I arrested her and took her back to the station. It felt so good putting her behind bars! The case is solved, and I'll be doing the paper work, fingerprints, etc tomorrow.
I gave my ex a ticket for causing a fight with the chick who got a hot dog thrown at her.

Getting a briefing on the suspect.

I wrongfully accused Candy for the crime that was committed at the Solar Fare the other day.

The criminal is now behind bars!